dilakukan kegiatan renovasi baik pada Gedung Museum Situs
Kepurbakalaan Banten Lama maupun pada tata pamernya, maka untuk
sementara kegiatan pelayanan pengunjung baik pada pameran tetap maupun
pameran temporer ditiadakan (efektif September - Desember 2013),
sedangkan pelayanan hanya dilakukan kepada pengunjung yang akan
mengunjungi situs-situs di Kawasan Banten Lama. Pelaksanaan kegiatan
kantor MSKBL sementara menempati Mess Pusat Arkeologi Nasional yang
berada di Banten Lama (di sebelah kiri Areal MSKBL).
services of the Banten Lama Site Museum’s (MSKBL’s) visitors to our
permanent exhibition and temporary exhibition is lifted for the time
being due to the renovation of the museum’s building also its collection
displays that is put it in operation on September until December 2013.
In addition, the office of the Banten Lama Site Museum (MSKBL) is
relocated, for a short while, it resides on the Pusat Arkeologi
Nasional’s Mess at Banten Lama that is located on the left of the
MSKBL’s areas".
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